Smoke exhaust and air supply in hotel kitchens are generally achieved through specialized ventilation systems. In the design, it is necessary to consider the oil smoke and heat generated in the kitchen, and handle it through appropriate equipment and pipelines.
1. 排煙系統:主要功能是將廚房內產生的油煙和有害氣體排出室外,確保良好的室內空氣質量。排煙系統的計算一般涉及以下幾個方面:
1. Smoke exhaust system: The main function is to exhaust the oil smoke and harmful gases generated in the kitchen from the outside, ensuring good indoor air quality. The calculation of smoke exhaust systems generally involves the following aspects:
- 油煙產生量:根據廚房設備數量、種類,以及每小時的烹飪操作時間等參數來估算油煙的產生量。
-Oil fume generation: estimate the amount of oil fume generated based on parameters such as the number and type of kitchen equipment, as well as the cooking time per hour.
- 風量計算:根據廚房的面積、廚房內設備的工作狀態,以及油煙的產生量等來確定需要排出的風量。
-Air volume calculation: Determine the air volume to be discharged based on the area of the kitchen, the working status of the equipment in the kitchen, and the amount of oil smoke generated.
- 風機選擇:根據計算得出的風量需求,選擇合適的風機類型和數量,以確保排煙效果良好。
-Fan selection: Based on the calculated air volume demand, select the appropriate fan type and quantity to ensure good smoke exhaust effect.
- 排煙管道設計:根據實際情況確定排煙管道的長度、直徑等參數,以保證排煙系統正常運行。
-Smoke exhaust duct design: Determine the length, diameter, and other parameters of the smoke exhaust duct based on the actual situation to ensure the normal operation of the smoke exhaust system.
2. 送風系統:主要是為廚房提供新鮮空氣,保持廚房內的良好通風環境,確保員工工作舒適。送風系統的計算一般包括以下幾個方面:
2. Air supply system: mainly used to provide fresh air for the kitchen, maintain a good ventilation environment inside the kitchen, and ensure comfortable work for employees. The calculation of the air supply system generally includes the following aspects:
- 送風量計算:根據廚房的面積、人員數量和需求以及通風效果要求,確定需要提供的送風量。
-Calculation of air supply volume: Determine the required air supply volume based on the area of the kitchen, the number and demand of personnel, and the ventilation effect requirements.
- 風口設置:根據廚房布局和設計要求,在合適數量和位置上設置送風口,以達到均勻送風。
-Air outlet setting: According to the layout and design requirements of the kitchen, set up air supply outlets in appropriate quantities and positions to achieve uniform air supply.
- 送風管道設計:根據送風口位置和距離,確定送風管道的長度、直徑等參數,以確保送風系統的正常運行。
-Air supply pipeline design: Determine the length, diameter, and other parameters of the air supply pipeline based on the location and distance of the air supply outlet to ensure the normal operation of the air supply system.
In summary, the calculation of smoke exhaust and air supply systems needs to comprehensively consider factors such as the size, layout, equipment type, and working time of the kitchen, and refer to relevant norms and standards for design. This can ensure that the smoke exhaust and air supply effects of the hotel kitchen meet the requirements, providing employees with a safe and healthy working environment.