If it is a colorful coated thick steel plate ventilation air pipe, the cavity should be kept bright, the air and ventilation pipe in the whole production process of processing, but also can not damage the coating, if there is a position of fracture, it is necessary to use epoxy resin adhesive in the surface layer can only be brushed. Another ventilation pipe production process in the whole production process, anti-corrosion measures should also be taken, which can not be applied to core rivets. In the assembly line of ventilation pipe parts, such parts must go through the solution of hot-dip galvanizing.
1. 凈化風道系統應在設備地面完成、墻面工序完成、房間內無飛塵、無防塵措施、達到初級凈化后安裝。設備生產過程中產生的雜塵應及時清理,保證達到一次凈化要求。
1. The purification air duct system shall be installed after the equipment ground is completed, the wall process is completed, the room is free of flying dust and dust-proof measures, and the primary purification is achieved. The miscellaneous dust produced in the production process of the equipment shall be cleaned in time to ensure that the primary purification requirements are met.
2. 風管安裝前應對風管的位置、標高、方向進行測量、定位、布設和技術審查,滿足規劃要求。結構施工預留孔的位置應正確,且預留孔應大于風道外徑100mm以上。
2. Before the installation of air duct, the position, elevation and direction of air duct shall be measured, positioned, arranged and technical reviewed to meet the planning requirements. The position of reserved holes for structural construction shall be correct, and the reserved holes shall be more than 100mm larger than the outer diameter of air duct.
3. The conveying air duct shall be protected from collision, prying and falling, resulting in mechanical damage. The device shall not climb the air duct.
4. 風管安裝前應對風管外觀進行質量檢查,清除風管內表面灰塵和雜物。當裝置中途停止時,風道口應關閉。
4. Before the installation of air duct, the appearance of air duct shall be inspected for quality, and the dust and sundries on the inner surface of air duct shall be removed. When the device stops midway, the air port shall be closed.
5. 風道接口不得安裝在墻壁或地板上。風道沿墻或地板安裝時,距離墻面不得小于200mm;距樓板150mm以上。
5. The air duct interface shall not be installed on the wall or floor. When the air duct is installed along the wall or floor, the distance from the wall shall not be less than 200 mm; the distance from the floor shall be more than 150 mm.
6. 在易燃易爆環境或攜帶易燃易爆氣體的風道系統內,應設有可靠的防靜電接地裝置;濟南易燃易爆氣體的風道系統應在生活區或其他輔助生產間外設置接口。
6. Reliable anti-static grounding device shall be set in the air duct system of inflammable and explosive environment or carrying inflammable and explosive gas; the air duct system of Jinan inflammable and explosive gas shall be set with interface outside the living area or other auxiliary production room.
In the whole process of production and processing, try to reduce the vertical joint, but do not allow the horizontal joint. It is necessary to select sealant to block the undercut and square joint between Jinan air duct and ventilation pipe according to the designed cleaning grade rules.