Classification of shape: Round, rectangular, spiral, etc.
Processing technology; can be divided into angle iron flange air duct, common plate flange air duct.
折疊編輯本段應用;風管主要應用在工業及建筑工程中,應用范疇主要觸及:電子工業無塵廠房凈化系統,醫藥食品無菌車間凈化系統,酒店賓館、商場醫院、工廠及寫字樓的中央空調系統,工業污染控制用除塵、排煙、吸油等排風管、工業環境或崗位溫馨用送風管、煤礦抽放瓦斯用抽放瓦斯系統、煤礦礦井環境控制用送回風系統...等等;PS:常被影視、動漫中開發成逃生及潛入專用道路遵義通風排煙設備按用處辨別Folding Editor's Application; Air duct is mainly used in industrial and construction engineering, and its application scope mainly touches upon: cleaning system of dust-free workshop in electronic industry, purification system of sterile workshop in pharmaceutical and food industry, central air conditioning system in hotels, shopping malls, hospitals, factories and office buildings, exhaust duct for dust removal, smoke exhaust, oil suction and other exhaust ducts for industrial pollution control, warm air supply duct for industrial environment or post. PS: The Zunyi ventilation and smoke exhaust equipment, which is often developed in movies and animations to escape and sneak into special roads, is distinguished according to its use.
Air duct for purifying air conditioning system: galvanized sheet and stainless steel; (FRP and composite materials which may present dust pollution in operation are prohibited)
2. Air duct for central air conditioning system: galvanized sheet and coloured steel insulation sheet; (fiberglass reinforced plastics, composite materials can be used)
3. Air duct for environmental control system: galvanized sheet and stainless steel; (plastic, FRP, composite materials can be used)
4. Air duct for industrial ventilation system: steel plate and galvanized sheet; (Libo air duct. Plastic, FRP and composite materials can be used). Note: FRP air duct can be divided into organic and inorganic two kinds, according to design standards, prohibited organic materials with fire protection requirements;
5. Ventilation pipes for special use places: mine coated ducts, mine plastic vents; (Request flame retardant and antistatic mine safety characteristics)
如果您有山東通風管道的需求可以點擊我們的官網進行咨詢:http://www.euio.com.cnIf you have the requirement of Shandong ventilation pipeline, you can click on our official website to consult: http://www.euio.com.cn.