The fire damper of the smoke exhaust system in the construction of the smoke exhaust hood is mainly used in the natural ventilation and air conditioning units. The fire damper of the smoke exhaust system is generally installed in the fire compartment between the exhaust system and the main engine room of the air conditioning unit. It is a 70 ℃ fire damper. When it is normally opened and closed, when the temperature of the smoke exhaust system reaches 70 ℃, the smoke temperature in the ventilation duct reaches 70 ℃. Fully automatic operation method.
排煙防火閥主要應用于機械設備排煙系統軟件,是一種280℃的防火閥,正常為常閉,火災發生時受火警自動報警的連動數據信號全部自動打開,另外配有手動執行機構,既可以手動開啟,又可以在消防安 全監控中 心遙控開啟(即連動操縱,手動操作,自動控制系統三種方式),一般安裝在排煙口,通風風管穿越重生防火安 全,防煙分區隔開處,排煙主機房通風風管過墻處,當通風風管溫度達到280度時關閉。
Smoke extraction fire damper is mainly used in the smoke extraction system software of mechanical equipment. It is a 280 ℃ fire damper, which is normally closed. When a fire occurs, all the linked data signals automatically open. In addition, it is equipped with a manual actuator, which can be opened manually or remotely in the fire safety monitoring center, The automatic control system is generally installed at the smoke exhaust outlet, the place where the ventilation duct passes through the rebirth fire safety, the place where the smoke control partition is separated, and the place where the ventilation duct of the smoke exhaust main engine room passes through the wall. When the temperature of the ventilation duct reaches 280 ℃, it will be closed.
One of the methods is to cancel the exhaust valve and control module of the exhaust outlet, and change the air outlet into a single-sided shutter; Another method is to change the electric normally closed fire damper on the smoke exhaust head of each floor into a fire damper with 280 degree opening and closing,
The smoke outlet is opened according to the pressure system partition. The smoke outlet can be remotely controlled by the fire safety management center, and can be manually opened locally. All smoke exhaust fans are equipped with a fully automatic fire damper. When the flue gas temperature reaches 280 ℃, the fire damper will be fully automatic closed, and the continuous smoke exhaust fan will terminate, The centrifugal fan can work continuously for 30 minutes at 280 ℃.
When the central air conditioning ventilation pipe passes through the fire safety area, the non combustible material package is non combustible. The air supply and exhaust system of 7 class A, B and C industrial buildings should be arranged in layers, However, when a fire damper is set up in the horizontal or vertical exhaust pipe of the manufacturing industrial plant, water should be added to each floor.